Tag | Book Buying Habits Tag


I saw this tag post over on Emma’s blog, A Dreamer’s Library, and I thought I would give it a little go on this fine Thursday afternoon since it is Tag Thursday after all (yes I’m still trying to make it a thing, shush).

Perhaps doing this tag will also make me re-evaluate some of book buying habits in the process because, let’s face it, I buy too many books considering the rate I consume them at – but I like having my own little library, so sue me. And whilst you’re preparing to sue me… let’s see about this tag shall we?

1. Where do you buy your books from?

Honestly? Amazon. I’ve completely been swayed by the lure of Amazon Prime delivery (the TV is a nice added bonus) and it’s just so quick and convenient. I feel slightly bad when I do order from Amazon but I’m just not financially in a position where I can buy hardback new releases at full price from an independent bookshop, and I won’t feel bad for choosing an alternative for now. I tend to order used books a lot from Amazon too, or else buy them from Oxfam bookshops which is slightly better on the moral front in my eyes.

Although I occasionally allow myself to splurge and buy books from Waterstone’s now that I have a big and very lovely branch easily accessible to me in Liverpool One.

2. Do you ever pre-order books and if so do you do this in store or online?

I don’t think I’ve ever pre-ordered a book in-store but I do know my grandma used to pre-order the Harry Potter books for me from book 5 onwards, to make sure I always had a copy waiting for me on release day. How sweet is that? But if I am in charge of the pre-ordering I tend to do it via Amazon… more accurately, I usually end up pre-ordering then the day before release day my book still hasn’t dispatched so I end up cancelling the pre-order and re-ordering it so it will be delivered the next day. No I don’t know why Amazon is so slow with pre-orders sometimes but I don’t really trust it anymore to actually get a book to me on release day. The only things I’ve really pre-ordered have been my auto-buy authors’ next books, i.e. Samantha Shannon and V.E. Schwab.

3. On average, how many books do you buy a month?

Short answer: too many.
Long answer: My book hauls (here and here) suggest I average at about 15 books every one and a half months so… that’s like… what (maths is no longer my strong point, give me a second)… 10 books a month? That’s kind of too many, I stand by my previous answer.

4. Do you use your local library?

I recently moved to a completely new part of the country (well as of September last year haha) and whilst I’ve got an online library account for ebooks and audiobooks I am yet to go into the library and get a proper library card so I can take out physical books. I probably should do that soon, and probably will since I’m starting a new job in the city soon which will place me nearer the big central library.

5. If so – how many books can you/do you borrow at a time?

My previous local library was like 10 minutes walk away, had a decent enough selection, and had a 10 book limit so… I borrowed at least 5 at any given time which was stupid given that I never finished all of them on time for when they were due to be returned.

6. What is your opinion on library books?

I love the library, it is a great way to discover new books and new authors and also was a big part of my childhood experience with books. I didn’t really start buying books to own them like I do now until I was in secondary school but I definitely frequented the library. I probably do libraries wrong though because I inevitably end up adoring a book I read via the library so I end up buying my own copy just so I can own a copy of a really great book – that entirely defeats the point of saving money by borrowing from a library, doesn’t it?

7. How do you feel about charity shop/second hand books?

Oxfam bookshops are probably my favourite shops, not gonna lie. Like don’t get me wrong I enjoy Waterstone’s as a book shopping experience but nothing ever beats the delight of finding a book you really wanted to read in decent condition in a charity book shop. Also, it’s for charity so, you know, it helps a little. It doesn’t help that there’s a very conveniently placed Oxfam bookshop next door to The Tavern (one of my new favourite places, their breakfasts are insanely good, ask anyone in Liverpool) and it is, more often that not, frequented whilst we wait for a table to free up in The Tavern if/when it’s busy. Books and breakfast, I mean what could be better? (We interrupt this tag to bring you a Lesley Knope gif)

8. Do you keep your read and TBR pile together/on the same book shelf or not?

Yep – I couldn’t bear to split up series and I have a lot of them where I’ve read the first book but not necessarily the rest! My books are roughly categorised by genre and then alphabetically by author’s surname.

9. Do you plan to read all the books that you own?

Yes, for the most part. I’m sure I still own some books that I’m lukewarm about, which reminds me I should probably do a cull of those outliers. Thanks for reminding me, tag.

10. What do you do with books that you own and that you feel you’ll never read/felt you didn’t enjoy?

I keep them, because I am a terrible hoarder, like Smaug but with books. I’m really trying to break out of this mindset though so now, for the first time in my life, I’m really feeling like I need to cull my shelves of books I don’t actually want anymore or that I’ve read and didn’t enjoy. I’ll be sure to give them to friends/family or donate them to (let’s be real here) an Oxfam bookshop.

11. Have you ever donated books?

Not that I can recall but I really should do!

12. Have you ever been on a book buying ban?

Hahaha ha ha. They would never work for me, I know this in my heart of hearts so I don’t bother to even try.

13. Do you feel that you buy too many books?

Buy too many books, psh, whatever do you mean?!?

Oh fine – yes, a big yes, without a doubt yes.

That’s all folks, that was the Book Buying Habits tag.

If you want to do this tag, consider yourself officially tagged by yours truly! If you do do the tag for yourself, please link your posts below because I’d love to see your answers, especially if it makes me feel better about my own book buying habits.

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12 responses to “Tag | Book Buying Habits Tag”

  1. Fabulous answers. I’m glad you enjoyed the tag! I also adore that Waterstones Store in/near Liverpool One! I always have to spend at least half an hour in there whenever I go into the city to do some shopping.


    • Aww thanks! I can never just walk past the Waterstones in Liverpool – they always have such great displays and I feel instantly calmed when I walk in.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Their displays are enticing, and the store in general has such a good array of books, especially those I can’t get in the Warrington store.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Definitely do the tag – I hereby officially tag you in fact!

      Psh problem, “problem” I think you mean? 😜 As far as addictions go though, it’s probably not the worst one to have.

      Liked by 1 person

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